Invest In Yourself
Have you ever wanted to work from home? Own your own business? Come on... you know you want that lifestyle... the one that everyone talks about... where you can "work from home in your underwear..." or on a "beach with your laptop..." So... why hasn't it happened for you yet? Come on... admit it. This isn't the first time you've been looking for a proven way to make money... is it? When it is your turn? My guess is this... You saw someone online promising you riches untold... BUT... There was a catch... (doesn't it seem like there's always a catch?) You have to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to get started, right? BEFORE you make any money... (Don't they know that's why you're there...? Because you NEED money?) Doesn't it seem like if all those "guru's" courses and software worked so good... and they REALLY believed it them... Why won't they just GIVE you their money making system, and then AFTER you've made your money... then they would get paid. Well, I always thought it was too good to be true too... Russell Bronson will coach you... on HIS dime and only AFTER you've made money, then you pay. Sound too good to be true? Check it out for yourself at: DotComSecretsXOther Benefits From Make Money First
Although I did invest $10 first, I use KuleSearch to make a little money everyday or every other day.
Today's Special Keyword is.. "News for tornados"
Now for just $2.30
Earn 1,000 spendable credits each time you buy this keyword today! If someone buys it from you, you can buy it back and earn another 1,000 spendable credits each time you re-buy it. Buy it now before the price goes up! The special keyword changes each day!
Click close to continue to the member's area. You earn 250 spendable credits the first time you login each day.
You will see the above message each time you login in case you wanted to buy the special keyword and clicked close too fast!
Here are my results for Today March 4,2012:
Keyword - News for tornados COMMISSION $0.115 2012-03-04 06:48:42
Keyword - News for tornados SALES $0.450 2012-03-04 06:48:42
Keyword - News for tornados PURCHASE $0.450 2012-03-04 06:35:46
As you can see, today I made $0.115 from selling the keyword "News for tornados". If you make $0.115 every other day after one year that's equivalent to $20.98 =(.115*182.5). That's not bad for a $10 initial investment. A Nice 209.8% return.
Other Benefits From Make Money First
Why use KuleSearch as your business?:✦ No production costs.
✦ There’s no inventory to store.
✦ Product is already created for you.
✦ Product is updated for you.
✦ Bonuses are created and built-in for you.
✦ Online markets LOVE digital products!
✦ Easiest way to start making money online
✦ Recruiting is NOT necessary.
✦ You don't need to build a downline.
✦ Add money whenever you decide!
✦ Earn a lifetime residual income online.
✦ It's fun to think of and trade keywords.
✦ You get paid from people that link to your keyword.
✦ Minimum cost to join only $10
✦ You get paid from referrals who participate.
✦ New profit sharing pools have been added to share more income.
Make Money First can become your new mantra!
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